Please join Gail Morales of Blissful Light for a fun and engaging beginner’s yoga class. The class is designed for participants to sit on mats on the floor. Please bring your own mat, if possible. Limited to 25 participants.
Discover formatting options in Microsoft Word, including margins, headers and footers, bulletpoints and numbering, indentations, spacing and more! Requires basic computer skills.
Enjoy reading and want to explore new works and broaden your tastes? Join our group as we read Avalon by Mindee Arnett and discuss our thoughts on the work.
Make films and learn what goes on behind the camera! This club of local filmmakers welcomes beginners.
Kick back with friends and enjoy the movie of the week! Call or check the Teen Room Discord for more information.
Dr. Stephanie Wilson-Coleman, known as the Empowerment Doctor, will lead us through a workshop that will inspire women to recognize, embrace, and unleash their power for positive change in their lives and the world.